
Over the past couple of years Uta has interviewed a number of prominent leaders on important life lessons and keys to abundant living. She has followed intensive training with many of them, including with Les Brown, Bill Johnson, Rolland & Heidi Baker, Loren Cunningham, Dr. Sandra Kennedy, Wm Paul Young and Desmond Tutu. With the insights she has gained, Uta has developed a unique Training Program and written the book “Dream Chasers: Overcoming Life’s Obstacles on your way to your Destiny.” (estimated release: Summer 2016)

Dream Chasers Training

over the past two years I have studied the lives of the most significant leaders of our times and have spoken to many of them in person to find out about their ‘secret’ to success. Here is what I found out: they don’t have ‘secrets’. They are people like you and me. They are ordinary people who have simply become extraordinary, because they discovered their God given treasure – who they were made to be – and started living their lives to the fullest.

Dream Chasers Book

Everybody has a destiny, but not everybody fulfills it. Everybody has greatness in them, but not everybody displays it. Why is that so? People have many reasons for that, but according to a study from Fuller Theological Seminar on destiny, one of the predominant reasons why many people do not fulfill their ultimate life call is that they do not understand the maturing process God takes them through on their way to their destiny.

Personal Transformation

Are you facing roadblocks that are in your way to living your dream and stepping into your destiny? The most common obstacles people face are fear, anxiety, self-sabotaging behaviour, worry, insecurity, shame, stress, exhaustion, financial and relationship problems. Here is the good news: you can get unstuck and remove the roadblocks that interfere with your life by dealing with them at the root.

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