Healing Your past – Releasing Your Future


re you facing roadblocks that are in your way to living your dream and stepping into your destiny? The most common obstacles people face are fear, anxiety, self-sabotaging behaviour, worry, insecurity, shame, stress, exhaustion, financial and relationship problems. Here is the good news: you can get unstuck and remove the roadblocks that interfere with your life by dealing with them at the root.


Most approaches tackle these issues on a cognitive level using conditioning, positive thinking, meditation or repetition techniques, but over the past 15 years a new approach based on new neurophysiological insights has been developed that provides long lasting solutions.

Our personal transformation sessions are based on a unique scientifically underscored technique, which serves to locate and eliminate the negative programming in your life and free large amounts of concealed life giving energy. It replaces deeply hidden negative drives with proactive energy, motivation, improved health, and better relationships.

This approach works from the inside out and it is one of the most effective methods to deal with the negative emotional load that drive our belief system, decisions and behavioral patterns. Coaching sessions result in more freedom, more peace, more joy, more energy, improved health, improved relationships and more. Book your first experience session with 50% discount here.

I dealt with fear, which created many obstacles in the progress of my life and dreams. This approach opened new perspectives for my life and for facing the obstacles I encountered. As a result, I felt secure and confident in my actions. I stood much stronger. The most important insight and effect for me was that with realizing the real problem, I also solved it.

Tanya Dimitrova

MSC Lecturer , Rotterdam Business School

Uta is very knowledgeable and energetic in her work. She brings about ground-breaking insight in self-retrieval, realization and healing. My sessions with her helped me release a lot of tension, get to the roots of my self-sabotaging behavior and solving them. I felt immediate improvement in my daily life!”
Antonio Palacio

Export Director, Spain

I am so glad I made the decision to go through these personal transformation sessions. They have helped me start to face the fears of my past by acknowledging their existence. This powerful coaching helps to look at those feelings that once paralyzed me and begin to move through them. Because of this extraordinary method of tapping into my suppressed emotions, I have started to find my joy again and am able to maintain balance better with things that would normally trigger me!
Stacie Piazzi

Augusta GA

As the director of an addiction recovery program I have witnessed the deep inner healings of women who have participated in the coaching provided by Uta Schmidt. She is able to assist them in reaching wounds that are held captive in their subconscious minds, bring them into the light with the help of God’s Spirit and then deal with them as a step toward soul healing.

After a session most of the women will comment that they had no idea that the memory recovered had had so much impact on their life. I have observed very positive changes in their way of thinking about themselves and their behavior through this process.

Sally Gray

Director, Aglow River Gate

Through these personal transformation sessions I am learning a lot about myself. It has allowed my soul to begin a healing process that I have never experienced before. With this coaching I now know what to pray about to God to gain spiritual and emotional healing. And now I have more compassion for myself and less condemnation. Emotional healing definitely is a process and this coaching is where it begins.

Angela Fagan