Over the past couple of years Uta has interviewed a number of prominent leaders on important life lessons and keys to abundant living. She has followed intensive training with many of them, including with Desmond Tutu, Les BrownBill JohnsonWiliam Paul Young, Rolland & Heidi BakerLoren CunninghamCanon Andrew White and Dr. Sandra Kennedy. With the insights she has gained, Uta has developed a unique Training Program and has written the books “Dream Chasers: The Journey of Nine Ordinary People Who Became Extraordinary” and “Keys To Unlock Your Destiny” (release: February 2019).

Uta Schmidt is the author of Keys To Unlock Your Destiny and the owner of Dream Chasers Approach, a leadership training and mentoring program that equips individuals to connect with their true identity so they are released to walk out their God-given dreams. Uta is passionate about teaching and training people to step into their destiny and release more of their potential. She has completed two master degrees (M.A.) in literature and linguistics, worked as a university and college teacher in the Netherlands for more than a decade and served in a USA based discipleship ministry for young women from incarceration and addiction backgrounds to walking in their destiny. She travels internationally and works with several aid programs in South African townships and in Mozambique. She has  recently relocated back to Heidelberg, Germany.

Inquire for booking via uta@dreamchasersapproach.com