Unlocking Your Destiny Basic Training

You are probably here because like most people you struggle with finding your way toward your destiny in light of life’s contradictions. I know exactly what that feels like because I was in that place for most of my life – until I ventured on a path of talking to those who know something about walking out your destiny… I wanted to find out about their “secrets” to living a meaningful life and experiencing fulfillment. And here is what I found: they have no secrets. They are ordinary people like you and me who have just become extraordinary by having learned to navigate the obstacles and contradictions on their way to their destiny. They have shared key life-lessons with me that helped me find clarity, guidance, and direction on my own path – and I have made it my life purpose to share it with you.

If you know deep inside there is more than what you are experiencing in your life then this training is for you. I am training ordinary people to discover their unique pathway in walking in destiny and to make a difference in the world and to the people, they love and care about.

This training covers these four fundamental life questions:

  • What is God’s will for my Life?
  • What if I cannot live up to His expectations?
  • How do I bridge the gap between what I know and what I do?
  • How do I fully participate in life and live my legacy here and now?

You will receive four individual modules that each present two insightful life-lessons which are key eye-openers and shed a new perspective on your life!